What is
Effective treatment for back and neck pain.
Effective treatment for back and neck pain.
Osteopathy is a form of hands-on manual therapy that focuses on the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, including the muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues.
Using techniques such as joint mobilisation, massage, muscle resistance stretching and gentle manipulation, Osteopaths aim to assist in restoring normal pain free movement and the correction of underlying dysfunction.
In Australia, Osteopaths are government registered practitioners with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. Osteopaths complete a 5 year university degree. They are primary healthcare practitioners and are trained to recognize conditions which require medical referral.
Back & Neck Pain
Tension Headaches
Sports Injuries
Muscular Pain
& Stiffness
Postural & Mobility Problems
The body is a unit.
If you have a problem in one part of the body it will affect other regions.
The healing power of nature.
Our bodies have all the things necessary for the recovery from disease and the maintenance of health. The role of the Osteopath is to enhance this inherent capacity for health.
The somatic component of disease.
The musculoskeletal system is an integral part of total body. Alterations to the musculoskeletal system can affect total body health and the ability of the body to recover from injury and disease.
Structure and function are interrelated.
Osteopaths believe in the relationship between the structure of the body and the way it functions. The body’s structure needs to be balanced so that it can function to its full capacity.
The use of manipulative therapy.
Manipulative therapy is used to restore the body’s maximum functional capacity.